The PHP DemoScene
homepage version: 0.1 Alpha 2
last updated: 2009-05-05

[ welcome | info | news | history | demos | table of demos | download | links ]

  2002-08     World's first known PHP Demo ("3d-engine") emerges on,
              no one makes a notice.
  2003-03-15  padi / Gumpa Bros. gets really wasted at deadline and starts
              boozetalking about various things. He also mentions how he is
              going to rule the scene with PHP Demos and he challenges
              Fairlight. He also explains the very concept of how they should
              work. Neither Padi or Fairlight has so far made a PHP Demo.
  2003-12-27  deadline reloaded holds the very first phpdemo compo and gets two
  2004-06-24  PHP Demos starts to emerge in the wild and in the surprise compo
              at Remedy 2004.
  2005-04-15  deadline 2007 holds deadline's second phpdemo compo and gets two
              new entries. Rumours about other, bigger phpdemos are starting
              to emerge, will we see phpdemo compos at other parties this year?
  2006-03-03  deadline harakiri holds deadline's third phpdemo compo and gets two
              new entries.
  2006-05-31  pouët accepts PHP as a demo platform.